Slap Yo Tongue Photo Gallery

Pad Thai Noodle...
Pad Thai noodles with of course Slap Yo Tongue!! Get recipe!
Coming Soon - B...
Our next product coming soon will be........ SYT barbecue sauce!! This is a rich, thick and flavorful BBQ sauce!
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary with Slap Yo Tongue!!!
Bacon & Eggs
Bacon & Eggs
Not just for dinner. We're ready for a super size bottle!
Farmers Market
Hot sauce for sale at Brookfield farmers market!!!
Sampling BBQ Sa...
Friends of ours using a sample of our new SYT barbecue sauce!!
Jerky Marinade!
Marinated flank steak with a blend of Slap Yo Tongue, soy sauce and other spices to make beef jerky.
New Labels
Check out our newly designed labels with the hottness meter at the top!
Big Fan!
I guess we have a big fan of our hot sauce, trying to get every last drop!
Kids love it!
Mikey is LOVING SYT on his hot dog